Saturday, September 12, 2009

[Reflections of Reality] Shard Bearers

What I am establishing on the shard is something mandatory on all Shard Bearers. This occurs when they are interacting with the real world or at least, not in their transformed state.

All Shard Bearers...
  • ...have a degree of protection, higher than normal people.
  • ... possess a Gift that is granted by the shard, whether it is active or passive.
  • ... Can communicate with their Spirit Guide as well as other Spirit Guides of the Shard Bearers. This has potential for interesting role-play when they learn about their guides' past lives.
  • ... can see the supernatural around them when they are not in their transformed state. This allows them to sense 'The Encounters' and anything else magical/ki/psychic energies in their actual world and such. (This disappears when they are in their Avatar form, forcing whoever has the ability to do a ritual of detect magic).
  • ... can turn an item from the Alternate Tokyo/Outerworld into something to match the regular Tokyo world(bag of holding will appear as a backpack and a potion will appear as a soda pop).
  • ..., if have a familiar, that familiar will change into a regular animal and can only communicate to all of the Shard Bearers through telepathy.

The Gift:

However, each Shard Bearer have a unique gift based on the class that they represent. This is what they use in the normal world in their non-transformed state. It is from subtle-to- semi-subtle. It cannot be blatant. Passive are a bit minor, but is not so limited on the prolonged use. Active abilities, however, are quite limited. Depending how powerful it is, it can range from 2-3 times a day.

Based on the Shard Class, the Shard Bearers of...
  • Clerics & Paladins can heal people wounds that people suffer. This can be used twice a day. [Active]
  • Druid & Rangers are granted the ability to communicate with animals(like dogs, cats, birds, etc). [Passive]
  • Swordmages have a magic sword implement that allows them to use anything that is like a sword pretty well. If they use a baseball bat, for example, they can bat really well with it(and make a lot of homeruns. [Passive]
  • Warlords and Bards have the ability to inspire ideas into people or inspire them to do things that they have been scared to do. Useful for getting a guy to ask a girl out. [Passive]
  • Shamans have the ability to talk to the spirits. [Passive]
  • Psions are able to send telepathic messages out an individual in 25 words or less and they are able to respond in kind. This can be done three times a day. [Active]
  • Warlocks draw the ability to pass through walls for the duration of 30 seconds. This can be used once a day. [Active]
  • Wizards can use each of their Cantrips(Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, and Prestidigitation) only once a day. [Active]
  • Avengers can actively track down a specific location as long as they know the name and what the person looks like. Once per day. [Active]
  • Artful Dodger Rogues can perform Parkour feats from gymnastic flips to even wall backflips. [Passive]
  • Scoundral/Ruffian Rogues can utilize any weapon to make a rattling noise, which will cause fear in anyone around and can get them to flee. Can be used three times a day. [Active]
  • Barbarians are granted the ability to channel their Rage. This gives them the ability to take more blows and dish more blows(useful in street fights). This has the duration of a minute and can only be used once a day. [Active]
  • Artificers have the ability to quickly assess any mechanical problem ranging from a skateboard to a jet. This can be used three times a day. [Active]

Now, I am lost on an ability for these classes: fighter, sorcerer, invoker, warden, and monk.

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